What's New In Dragon Dictate For Mac

Dragon Dictate 3 promises 15% improvement over “out-of-the-box accuracy” than its predecessor, making it faster and easier to dictate text, create content, and command your favorite features — using only your voice. What’s more, the software’s new Smart Format Rules let you customize your Dictate experience so that abbreviations, numbers and more are appear in the format you specify every time you dictate them.

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A new interactive tutorial in Dragon Dictate for Mac 3 guides you through fun. In order to deliver unprecedented accuracy, so that what you say is what you get.

Dragon Dictate For Mac Upgrade

And when you get a word you’re not happy with, you can now use your speech to correct it, either by choosing an alternative word from a “richer list” or choices, or by spelling out the word you require and training Dictate as you go. Dictate 3 also gives you more control over applications — including those built into OS X Mountain Lion: Dragon Dictate delivers an Express Editor so that you can dictate into a text field for which it does not have Full Text Control. After you finish dictating, you can transfer the text from the Express Editor to the desired application quickly and easily by voice. In addition to general support for Mac OS X Mountain Lion, Dragon Dictate for Mac 3 offers built-in commands for the new Notes and Reminders applications in this latest OS release.

Another handy feature is Dictate’s ability to transcribe recorded audio files. When you’re away from your Mac, you can record your notes and ideas using your iPhone or iPod touch. Then you can give Dictate the audio file when you get back to your Mac, and it’ll transcribe it for you. Quickbooks for mac reviews. Dragon Dictate for Mac 3 is available to pre-order today through, starting at $149.99 for upgrades from Macspeech Dictate and previous Dragon Dictate release. For new customers, the software is priced at $199.99.

• • • • • • • • Finding Your Dragon Activation Code Sometimes it's necessary to identify you Dragon serial number (activation code). If you have lost or misplaced the disk sleeve that listed you serial number but still have your old version running, here are a few alternative ways of finding your activation code: Option #1 (Ver 10) Click About NaturallySpeaking (About Dragon if you are using Medical) under the DNS Help Menu and you should see the serial number appear near the top of splash screen. Bus/master/slave ?s for mac. The serial # is in the following format xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx Option #2 1. Open C: Program Files Nuance NaturallySpeaking10 Ereg.ini in Windows Vista or Windows 7 32-bit. M audio sonica drivers for mac. If you are using Windows 7 64-bit the path is C: Program Files (x86) Nuance NaturallySpeaking10 Ereg.ini 2.